✔️The Job you do..
So you are a teacher, and he introduces you to his friends as a Nurse, my sister dump him oh..
It will end in tears if you don’t.
She’s ashamed of the fact that you are a janitor, dry cleaner, or you are a Uber driver and makes sure she’s not seen at your work place or with you publicly by her friends. End such a Relationship .
✔️ The Background you come from.
So she’s coming to visit you, and she’s looking at your parents and your family house with disgust and she’s avoiding hugging your aged mother.
She loves your money and current status but doesn’t love where you came from.
This type of woman will cut you off from your family after marriage by hook and by crook.
She is embarrassed to be seen around the area you live in, and so any time you want to see her , it has to be in an eatery. End it in this 2023.
✔️Your Physical Looks.
Don’t date anybody who doesn’t find you physically attractive and keeps on putting you down privately and publicly because of that.
One of the ways you know somebody who doesn’t love you but has come to date you because of your job, money, fame, out of convenience, or someone who is just confused about what they want in life is the fact that they openly and secretly condemn your looks.
You are too fat, was he blind before he asked you out?
You are too short, what does he now want you to do? To commit suicide?
You are too slim, of all the fat girls out there, why did he come to you?
Your breasts are too small, didn’t he see a Mercy Johnson out there to date?
Don’t allow anybody give you high blood pressure just because they are dating you.
Don’t allow anybody nag you into ulcer and depression because of physical looks..
True Love accepts You.
True Love celebrates You.
True Love doesn’t cherry pick some aspects of your life that it’s comfortable with and then want you to hide other aspects and pretend it’s fine with you when it’s not .
You too, if you won’t be proud of someone’s family/background, job, and looks, don’t date them.
Don’t give what you won’t takk