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You’re not alone if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant. Infertility is more frequent than most people realize

It affects roughly one out of every six couples, with experts estimating that one out of every three occurrences is attributable to male partner fertility issues.

While infertility cannot always be cured, there are certain things you may do to improve your chances of becoming pregnant. A balanced diet, vitamins, and other lifestyle measures can occasionally help with fertility.

This page outlines some of the most important lifestyle variables, meals, nutrients, and supplements linked to better male fertility. According to Healthline.

1. Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for both male and female reproduction. Another nutrient that may help to increase testosterone levels.

Men who were vitamin D deficient were more likely to have low testosterone levels, according to one observational study.

These findings were validated by a controlled investigation of 65 males with low testosterone levels and vitamin D insufficiency. They increased their testosterone levels by roughly 25% after taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day for a year.

Although high vitamin D levels are associated to increased sperm motility, the data is mixed.

2. Eat maca root

Maca root supplements have been shown to boost libido, fertility, and sexual function.

The popular plant food maca root originated in central Peru. It has long been known for its ability to boost libido and fertility.

Taking 1.5–3 grams of dried maca root for up to 3 months boosted self reported sexual desire or libido in men, according to several studies.

Maca root has also been shown to boost sense organ performance in studies. Taking 2.4 grams of dried maca root for 12 weeks increased self reported erectile function and sense organ well-being in males with mild erectile dysfunction.

In healthy men, using 1.75 grams of maca root powder every day for three months enhanced sperm count and motility.

Reviews have partially supported these findings, but the researchers cautioned that the evidence is poor and that further research is needed before making definitive assertions.

Furthermore, maca root appears to have little effect on hormone levels. In healthy, fertile men, taking 1.5–3 grams of maca root per day for three months had no effect on testosterone or other reproductive hormones.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can enhance testosterone levels and promote fertility, in addition to being excellent for your overall health.

Men who exercise consistently had higher testosterone levels and better sperm quality than inactive men, according to studies.

However, excessive activity may have the reverse effect, lowering testosterone levels. This risk can be reduced by getting the correct amount of zinc.

Make getting physically active one of your top objectives if you rarely exercise yet want to boost your fertility.

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