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Adediji Moses, a father of three who recently raised concerns on social media about the alleged swap of his biological child at birth in Ladoke Akintola University Teaching Hospital, (LAURECH), Ogbomosho, Oyo State, now claims he was forcefully abducted by two individuals who warned him to cease his efforts in unraveling the medical mystery surrounding his daughter.

According to Moses, the abductors explicitly threatened him, cautioning that undesirable consequences might befall him if he persisted in pursuing the case against the hospital.

The 34-year-old, who accused LAUTECH Teaching Hospital of swapping his child at birth in November 2018, disclosed how he discovered in 2021 that his child had sickle cell anemia, despite both he and the child’s mother having compatible genotypes (SC and AA, respectively).

Moses further shared that, upon re-conducting the test at the hospital and obtaining the same result, he decided to go public with his story.

In an exclusive interview with The PUNCH, Adediji expressed concerns about threats to his life since making his situation public.

He recounted being forcefully taken by unidentified individuals who conveyed a message that “innocent people would be affected” if he persisted in pursuing legal action against the hospital.

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