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A caring man is better than a handsome man who doesn’t care.
It’s not all about handsome, as handsome will fade away.but caring will be there.    ..🖤💯
Ladies stop insisting that he must be handsome.. you need a good man who has a heart of gold, not handsome that will fade out one day .
Do you know that , you will be in trouble if you marry a cheating handsome man . girl will be perching around him .he will be sleeping with many girls all the time.
Don’t put yourself into depression nor frustrations in the hand of handsome man.
It’s always difficult to have handsome man alone . even if he don’t want to cheat, some ladies out will find a means to lure him into cheating .
Sweetheart remove your eyes from that handsome Brother in your church, that didn’t want you, and start loving the one you think that is  ugly .
Handsomeness is not a guarantee for everlasting and successful marriage…it is what you call your dog he will answer.
If you tell people that your ugly partner is handsome so be it .if you tell people that your partner is ugly so be it too .
You need a good husband and father to your unborn children.not a jegolo .
You need a father to your children not a public tap that everybody can fetch water from.
Nurture your heart to accept him , accommodate him and give him a sense of belongings to your heart.
May God bless your partner beyond measure.
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