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Rachel, a former follower of the deceased pastor TB Joshua, recounted her experiences living with him in a video featured on BBC News Africa. She mentioned that on a particular evening, he summoned her to his room, instructed his aides to vacate the bathroom where they were sleeping, and after they left, he locked the doors, dimmed the lights, and requested her to lower the bottoms of her pajamas.

She added that Pastor TB Joshua would contact them late at night, specifically between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., when they were fatigued and drowsy, asking them to join him in his bedroom to discuss their Bible notes.

Continuing, Rachel mentioned that on a particular evening, Pastor TB Joshua invited her to his bedroom, where he treated her kindly, inquiring about her well-being and expressing his love for her. He also conveyed a belief that God would utilize her for significant contributions to the church.

In her opinion, “One night I phoned him, and he said you did so well today. Bring your Bible and come up to my bedroom; let us look at your Bible notes with you. And this is like the early hours of the morning, 3 or 5 a.m., when you are so tired. He got his shirts off and his shorts on. Sitting down on his chair, he asked if I could read some of my notes. He was like, How are you, how are things, and that he loves me very much, and he told me how God was going to super use me.

He told the lads in his room to go and sleep in the room next door, and he stood up and locked the doors. He switched the lights down, and he said to me, Can you take off your pajamas bottoms? And I was like a robot; I said yes, sir, and like every other assignment he had given me, I said, yes, sir, yes, sir.”

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