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Cancer is a progressive disease. It has four stages: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4. As a sufferer progresses through the stages, the intensity of the disease or suffering increases gradually until the last stage (Stage 4).

By stage 4, the person has only few months left to live and the doctor would tell them “go home to settle all your issues and prepare to die as you have roughly 6 months to live” Cancer is about the only disease where you know when you are going to die.

The problem with cancer in our own society here is that most people don’t know they have it until it has progressed to the final stage 4, the point of no return when doctors would say “there is nothing we can do now” and this is the time most people now go to the hospital.

Most people don’t know what is wrong with them at the initial stages because majority have very poor health habits. They don’t visit the hospital for check-up except when they are very sick, forgetting that prevention is better than treatment.

At this stage, their conclusion is that “won so lata ni” (witches fired him evil arrow), “asasi ni” (he is bewitched) and they would begin to look for suspects among the innocent old women in the family whom they believe are responsible.

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