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Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up- Thomas Edison (1847-1931) American inventor and businessman.

Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time, was said to have filed an estimated 500-600 unsuccessful or abandoned applications in his lifetime. According to the record, he failed 2774 times. But that didn’t stop him from succeeding with the invention of the light bulb in January 1879 after more than 1000 failed trials. Now, imagine if the American inventor had given up because of the hundreds of botched attempts. Or because of the derision he received from the public. Or because of not wanting to incur more debts after huge capital investments, sometimes sourced from interests-laden loans. If he stopped his quest for the bulb, it would have been a tragic setback for mankind. Somehow, someone else would probably have done it. But, in another age. This would delay its immense benefit to man. But Thomas Edison wouldn’t allow these distractions; and today he stands as a towering lesson in unwavering perseverance in human endeavours.

I solemnly recommend Thomas Edison to Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu. Although the inventor wasn’t a government leader, his story teaches those holding political office that you don’t give up your strategies for the sake of expediency. Handling the ship of state, as I once said in an earlier piece, is not a sprint, not a short race. It’s not a run for the moment; it is a marathon, a long distance, where strategy is prioritized, not sacrificed on the altar of short-lived concerns. Of course you don’t abandon today altogether. But your two legs are moving in such a way that they are more positioned to hasten into tomorrow, solving today’s challenges to disallow them from escaping into tomorrow.

What Tinubu has done, fuel subsidy removal and leaving our naira to compete with others, is the grueling furnace the nation needs to birth into abiding growth and development. Pls, note the ‘birth’ I deliberately applied. There’s no birth that comes without pangs.

I recall as I write that there were attempts at bringing about these changes in the recent and remote pasts. Under Presidents Yar’Adua, Jonathan, and Buhari, there were deafening uproar against moves to do away with the fuel subsidy. True, there were inflationary trends that accompanied the regulated subsidy removal. Cost of living went up; costs of goods and services flew beyond the reach of the masses. It also took its toll on government as it could not honour its promises to deliver some basic infrastructure. Labour and the political opposition as well as civil society ganged up to lampoon the authorities for ‘’imposing hardship’’ on the people. Unfortunately, the leaders of the day couldn’t stand this backlash. They did not have the backbone to see through their initiatives. So they pulled back, instead of persevering with their nationalistic economic policies. Each time we retraced the bold steps towards the path taking us to the zone of emancipation, we were actually doing two things simultaneously: moving backwards to a despised past and throwing our problems into tomorrow for our children to solve. Which good parent would do that? What serious leader wishing to bequeath a rich heritage would not resolve the critical issues that rear their heads under him, but would leave them for his successors.

In the early 1960s when US President J.F. Kennedy was giving his country radical governance, he also came up with something completely out of the world: America must get to the moon before the end of the decade! Indeed, she did in 1969, despite scoffers’ skepticism from the camp of the political opposition. Kennedy wasn’t alive when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in July 1969. But the Kenn vision was alive and kicking. Why? Because realizing the vision wasn’t left in the hands of a hazy indistinct future when the conditions would be right or when there would be no protests or jeering.

The conditions for change or reforms are always rife as the idea sets in. If you don’t act on them to tame the problems they are meant to deal with, those problems will grow bigger as you postpone them for another day. That’s the experience we have had over the years with the issues of fuel subsidy and the naira floating. We pampered them to become monsters.

Bola Tinubu must prevent them from becoming invincible Frankenstein’s monsters that threaten to destroy their creators. The only way deal with them is to boldly push through with his reforms. This is not the time to beat a retreat like his predecessors did. Under him, this great African country can go beyond its potential status to emerge as the giant of the African continent. Let him prove that his leadership this era of our history can make a difference.

This is a duty President Bola Tinubu owes the 200m+ Nigerians he is governing. We must all support him, irrespective of political party, gender, religious or social class divide. The people want him to sustain his reforms till he gets the ‘light bulb’ for Nigeria the way Thomas Edison persevered to get the bulb for mankind.

Oyatomi Esq is a member of Independent Media and Policy Initiative, IMPI, Abuja

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