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The hope is for colorful carpets and colorful blooms to cover the meadows, the public gardens, the parks, the traffic squares, and other areas in neighborhoods throughout the city.

The Jerusalem Municipality is preparing for spring and summer by renovating hundreds of playgrounds, gardens, and parks all over the city for the residents and visitors, according to a statement on Wednesday.

The city is in the middle of extensive renovation work all across the city, with plans to plant about 700,000 new plants.

The spring and summer planting season includes the types of plants and flowers suitable for the season flowers, including marigolds (tagetes), zinnias, petunias, impatiens, periwinkles, angelonias, pentas, celosias, and carnations.

Planting began in mid-March and is expected to be completed during May. In the city center area alone, over 100,000 saplings of all kinds will be planted.

The hope is for colorful carpets and colorful blooms to cover the meadows, the public gardens, the parks, the traffic squares, and other areas in neighborhoods throughout the city. 

Increased shade and beauty

Additionally, the City Improvement Division has helped restore shade to playgrounds, gardens, and fitness facilities in public areas and parks.

The shade is meant to improve the well-being of families, children, and visitors so that even on hot sunny summer days, they can continue to enjoy the public gardens and outdoors while remaining in the shade.

The installation of the shading sails began in March; the work is expected to be completed in May, along with the planting.

Parents have been asked to keep an eye on their children and make sure they don’t climb on the shading poles and endanger themselves.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion said this “Happy Passover Jerusalem! In preparation for the holiday, the capital city will bloom with thousands of colorful flowers, symbolizing the arrival of spring and the renewal of the city.”

“The dedicated municipal employees also take care of shading in the gardens and parks for the public’s well-being. Come, enjoy, rest and rejuvenate in our eternal capital that has no Like it in the world. Happy, peaceful and enjoyable Passover to the residents of Jerusalem and to all of Israel.”

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