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With an unannounced Fidau prayer being offered by various Islamic Clerics few hours ago to commemorate a year anniversary of the death of Madam Rafatu Agbeke Oyebamiji aged 98 years, a caring mother of a foremost June 12 Activist, Comrade Awa Bamiji, coupled with current fuel scarcity in the Country most especially, Ibadan, where the prayer was held, prominent individuals from all walks of life still turned out in their large numbers to honour the late martriach and her successful children.
Among which is a leading Economist, renowned Youth Developer and Mobiliser of all seasons and a freedom fighter of uncommon dimension, Comrade Awa Bamiji.
Since everything is time, the Clerics therefore advised the gathering to be preparing for their respective ends through total submission to God Almighty, serving Him regularly because death is an envitable end that will come unnoticed and they all thanked God for the deceased Parents of the family for making positive impacts while they were still alive.
Entetertainment of Guests with food and drinks followed immediately after the Fidau prayer and it continued as at time of filling this report.
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